Aspiring Allied Health – April 2021
Posted on 16th April 2021

In April 2021 the Talent Academy successfully held a *NEW* programme ‘Aspiring Allied Health’. This programme was hosted virtually, with the hope to bring the following programmes to a physical setting as soon as possible. The successful event was hosted by the Talent Academy and facilitated by various talented allied health professionals from across Lincolnshire.
The programme hosted 8 of the 14 allied health professionals:
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Therapeutic Radiography
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Orthotics
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietetics
- Operating Department Practitioners
This event saw 131 students book on to discover more about the various allied health professions. They were learning and developing new skills through workshops. All the workshops are ran by allied health professionals who were on hand to offer their advice and guidance.
“(I liked) Talking to people who do that job everyday and hearing their honest opinions” – anonymous attendee
“This was good because they showed us real-life equipment and had different people’s views” – anonymous attendee
“Really enjoyed this session- I’m definitely considering this now.” – anonymous attendee
“i didn’t know anything about podiatry so this helped me to learn more about it (even though i was not interested at first)” – anonymous attendee
Please keep a look out on our social media channels (@LincsTALAC) to find out more about upcoming Aspiring sessions.
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