Occupational Therapy Apprentice
An exciting opportunity is available for the right candidate to join LCHS NHS Trust as an Occupational Therapy Apprentice. This is a development post and the right candidate will need to demonstrate that they are highly motivated, problem solvers, demonstrate good time management, and a willingness to succeed using the LCHS values. The apprenticeship is a mixture of academic study, clinical placements and implementing those skills whilst working the rest of the time in your set team.
You will be based as a paid employee within LCHS in one of our Lincolnshire departments responsible for therapy contracted on standard AFC Terms and conditions with the addition of the ANNEX 21. Under ANNEX 21 you will see increases in your pay based on your acquired and applied theory to practice over the subsequent years of study.
Main duties of the job
The academic element of the apprenticeship will be provided by Coventry University over 4 years. It consists of 5 7-week placements with one day a week tuition in person outside of these times in addition to supplementary online lectures.
Conditional offer interviews will be held by LCHS NHS Trust on
21st May between 09:00am and 17:00pm
Acceptance interviews by Coventry University will be held on:
24th, 25th or 27th May between 09:00am and 17:00pm
Entry Requirements:
There is an expectation from LCHS NHS Trust applicants as a minimum have already attained a L3 Healthcare related qualification in Therapy, Care Certificate and English and Maths.
Further details of the Occupational Apprenticeship can be found at https://www.instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeship-standards/occupational-therapist-(integrated-degree)-v1-0
From reading this now, to four years hence, you could be in a different career with great opportunities in front of you. If you have what it takes, apply.